Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Mallakambha Training



Date                     : 13/11/2024

Participant         : 41 Students

Venue                  :  School Premises  (VKV MHSS, Vallioor)

Time                    : 10.00   to  12.45



 Mallakambha is a traditional sport, orginating from the Indian Subcontinent in which a group of gymnasts perform aerial yoga sand gymnastic is postures using a stationary vertical pole.   We all known that India is regaining its martial arts and culture nowadays, as a part of it our government is giving important to the game Mallakambha, which is the state game of Madhya Pradesh.

  One day training Camp of Mallakambha was organized at Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Vallioor on 13.11.2024.  The master Shri.Uday V. Desphande conducted the Practice session with his assistant Sri. Veerandra Chamankar.  There was an introductory session in which the explained the importance of the game and taught the children some basic rules to be followed and then  they did  the demo.  Separate sessions of practice was there for boys and girls.

            Students participated in the practice session. The students felt enthusiastic and interested during the practice session.  We hope it could have been kindled the interest of learning Mallakambha in the future.  Students have been informed about the world Championship game of Mallakhambha which is to be held at Pune in 2025.  It is notified to see the game in the sports channel.   The trainer Shir Uday V Desphande and  Sir.Veerandra Chamankar were honoured with momento by our respected Correspondent sir Shri S.K.Subramanianji.  The programme was concluded with Shanthi Mantra.